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Guest Post by Brett Bzdafka, BoxCast

Hi, I’m Brett.

Since 2013 I’ve been helping churches all over the world expand the outreach of their ministries through live video streaming. I’m not sure of the exact number of conversations that I’ve had with pastors about streaming over the years, but I think the number is somewhere around 15,000.

For me, helping churches grow their cultural and congregational reach is my number one passion and purpose in life.

The reality is this, you and I live in an ever-increasing video world. For this reason, I believe that every ministry, no matter the size, should at the very least consider how they can use video technology and church presentation software to reach as many people as possible with the gospel and the work of the church.

With all of this being said, below I’ve shared a quick list of 10 things that you’d learn about streaming if you were to sign up for a quick 10-minute streaming consultation with me.

I hope you enjoy this article, and if at any time you’d like to set up a call to chat, feel free to do so through this link. Thanks so much for reading, God bless, and happy streaming!


10 Things You’ll Learn During Your Streaming Consultation With Me

TEN: Streaming is Easy

Ministry is busy and so streaming has to be easy for churches, plain and simple. Our solution requires only 20 minutes of initial training and about 5 minutes a week of stream management. We’ll help you take the presentation you built inside of your worship software and share your messages in a fast and concise way.  If only everything else in your church was this easy!

NINE: Streaming Fosters Growth

We’ll help you embed your broadcasts onto your website. Doing so will strengthen the code of your site and enhance your Search Engine Optimization performance, allowing more prospective visitors to find you online and therefore visit in person.

EIGHT: Streaming is Affordable

Most churches spend more each week on the coffee in their foyer than they do on streaming. Isn’t it worth it to invest a very small portion of the budget that God has entrusted you with into a tool that will help you reach more people every Sunday?

SEVEN: Streaming is Common

What a difference 7 years makes. Back when I started helping churches with live streaming, I often heard pastors say, “Isn’t streaming only for megachurches?” With every year that’s gone by, however, more and more church plants have been reaching out to me and telling me that live streaming from their church presentation software is an absolute need for their budding ministry. Streaming is becoming common for any sized congregation and is totally doable for your church.

SIX: Streaming is Relevant

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Tik Tok, etc. Video storytelling is one of the biggest parts of social media in our culture today. We’ll help you send your stream from your worship software to your website as well as to the social media destinations of your choice simultaneously. This will help your church better reach younger generations who spend a large portion of their day scrolling through their phones and watching videos on social platforms.

FIVE: Streaming is Expected

When a Christian family moves to your community, they’ll research churches in your area and may even pick one out before they pack up their moving truck. Showing potential visitors what your church is like through video is the best way to let them know who you are, encourage them to visit, and in the end, warmly welcome them to plugin. Nowadays, for prospective members to take your church seriously, online streaming has really become something that’s expected.

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FOUR: Streaming is Volunteer Free

We’ve designed a church streaming solution that’s computer-free, button-free, and in the end, volunteer-free. We’ll equip you with our live video streaming hardware that runs by itself to save you time and volunteer resources, as well. P.S. – We’ll give you our hardware for free to make it even easier to get started.

THREE: Streaming is Measurable

If you’re wondering specifically how much of an impact something like live streaming could have within your congregation and community, we have in-depth viewership analytics that will tell you. Whether you want to know how many live viewers you have on a Sunday, where each viewer is watching from, what quality they’re streaming at, or what percentage of your viewers are watching your archives, we have the data to help you determine whether or not streaming is truly worth it for your ministry.

TWO: Streaming is a Ministry

Some pastors view live video streaming as a complicated and unnecessary piece of technology. More and more, however, churches are beginning to view streaming as a ministry tool that is capable of widening the reach of the local church in a way that has never before been possible. Fundamentally, live streaming church services through your worship software takes God’s Word and sends it across the globe for the Holy Spirit to use as He sees fit. That sounds like a pretty exciting ministry to me!

ONE: Streaming is Fun

Let’s face it, broadcasting your worship, congregational prayer, preaching, and special events is a pretty exciting thing! Audio and video work can be tricky at times but it’s also really enjoyable and rewarding for those who are gifted and interested in visual technology. Why not celebrate your video ministry and make it as fun as possible for the people who oversee it?


It is a delight to hear the stories that churches share with us about the impact that their streaming ministry is making in the lives of the people that they serve. Week after week their broadcasts touch the lives of people in their immediate communities and all over the world. Streaming paired with the best worship presentation software out there, (our partners at MediaShout) is a powerful and necessary tool. If your church hasn’t yet taken the step to begin streaming, I’d love to spend a few minutes chatting with you about what it would take to get your church up and broadcasting. I think you’ll find our time together to be well worth it. God bless, and happy streaming!

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