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10 Powerful Benediction Scriptures to Use in Worship Software (2024)

Benedictions have been used for centuries as a way to close church gatherings. And since they're scriptural, they're always an appropriate way to bring a service to an end. (more…)
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11 Things To Remember When Planning Your Easter Services

  Easter Sunday is coming up, are you ready? There’s a lot to do in the weeks leading up to Easter. Here are 11 things that we think might help you as you build your services in your church presentation software.   1) Make It Special and Keep It Focused...
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Overworked and Underpaid – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (August 2022)

August 2022 Overworked and Underpaid   by Marc Middleton “Come to me, all of you whol are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (ICB) We've all been in this position before. We finished meeting with our Worship Design Team and our Pastor to put together the...
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Jesus Is The Hero – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (June 2022)

June 2022 Jesus Is The Hero   by JR Horn “Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but...
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Are You Satisfied? – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (May 2022)

May 2022 Are You Satisfied?   by Dave Fry “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done…” Galatians 6:9a (NLT) There is a difficulty and challenge that many followers of Christ battle with, and it’s an issue which can lead...
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SongSelect, CCLI, & Church Presentation Software

If you have ever been involved with building church services within a worship presentation software, then you’ve more than likely considered at some point or another what legality or right you actually have to display popular lyrics, videos, and content.    If you’ve had those thoughts, you’ve likely been brought...
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Train Up A Child – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (April 2022)

April 2022 Train Up A Child   by Bryan Royals “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  -Proverbs 22:6 (ESV) So there’s this old saying that you should never work with animals and children. And while...
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Create a Cohesive Look With Your Worship Presentation Software

No matter what operating system you use or whatever projection software your ministry is taking advantage of for your church services, creating a cohesive look and feeling for that presentation is a key proponent to a successful “big screen” display.   As many know, PowerPoint has long been a staple...
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Sometimes, Getting To Use Expensive Toys Builds The Body. – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (March 2022)

March 2022 Sometimes, Getting To Use Expensive Toys Builds The Body.   by John Kelley (The Backpacking Podcast) “There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ. We were all baptized by one Holy Spirit. And...
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“…More Than All That We Ask Or Think…” – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (February 2022)

February 2022 “...More Than All That We Ask Or Think…”   by Paul Granger (www.wheredidyouseeGod.com) “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…"  -Ephesians 3:20 On a crazy step of faith, our...
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Updating Your Worship Songs In Church Presentation Software

One of the most beautiful things that the Lord has ever done, or ever chooses to do is to place us on this earth with the ability to create, shape, and cultivate the world around us. You can see just how amazing our God is at creating when you’re driving...
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When Church Stage Design and Worship Presentation Software Merge

There are many ways for churches to be creative with their worship presentation software and stage design. You can freshen up your worship presentations by simply thinking about how you could make them work more cohesively with your church stage design. One of the fun things about working with the...
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My Anthem of Worship – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (January 2022)

January 2022 My Anthem of Worship   by Thomas Nickel (Boxcast) “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:5 As I reflect on my own external ministry, and my...
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7 Amazing Untapped Bible Presentation Software Features

There are a number of features in Bible Presentation Software that are under-rated, unnoticed, or even unavailable depending on what program you’re working with. To help “narrow the playing field” we’ve created this helpful article to ensure that you’re maximizing the potential of your bible software.  Whether you’re using bible...
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Tips for Eliminating Distractions During Your Worship Services I MediaShout

Distractions before and during the worship service: We’ve all experienced it. We’re not just talking about babies crying, or teenagers getting up to use the restroom every 10 minutes during the worship service, as those can be terrible distractions as well. But, what about the distractions from volunteers or even...
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Guidelines for Praise And Worship Songs In Church Presentation Software | MediaShout

We live in a time of amazing freedom in worship. There are countless worship songs on the market today, and thanks to the internet, they’re only a few clicks away. It can feel overwhelming at times, especially if the worship leader is giving you a complicated setlist that you have...
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Preparing The Way – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (December 2021)

December 2021 Preparing The Way   by Carl Barnhill (twelvethirty:media) “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ -Mark 1:3 In the book of Mark, in Chapter 1, John the Baptist comes on the scene. It was promised by God in...
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5 Scriptures on Thankfulness and Gratitude | MediaShout

It’s that time of year again. Time for family gatherings, cozy fires, and delicious food. You are likely already thinking about what dish you are going to bring to the family Thanksgiving gathering or the fun games you want to play with your loved ones after dinner. Another year is...
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10 Worship Songs about the Bible [2021] | From Word to Worship

While we don’t worship the Bible, we recognize that Scripture is how we discover who God is and what he’s done for us in Christ. There are times you want a worship song that demonstrates our gratefulness for his Word and what it teaches us. Transitioning from the word to...
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4 Sermons On Worship Just Waiting to Be Preached

If you ask various Christians to define “worship,” you’re going to get a lot of different responses. Some might talk about the Old Testament model of temple sacrifice, and others might talk about singing songs in church. The truth is that we use the term “worship” to cover a wide...
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