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MediaShout’s mission is to partner with the Lord, the Church, and each other in
spreading the simple gospel through simple technology.


Build the Church

Work unto Christ (Do unto others)

In all that we do, we strive, as Colossians 3:23 instructs, to do our work unto the Lord.  Inherent with this is our responsibility to treat others the way we wish to be treated (Matthew 7:12).   As such, in our business dealings, we work towards solutions and partnerships.  There are no solutions without true partnership.   

An Ask, Seek, And Knock Approach (Matt 7:7-12) and (Matt. 6:33)

We are real people who are proactive in reaching out to others.  Serving and partnering with others comes only through real human interactions – starting with phone calls, listening, asking questions, listening some more; again seeking to build partnerships in the process of finding solutions.   

Let our “yes” be “yes” and our “no” be “no”. (Matt 5:37)

Pricing is direct for simplicity in partnerships and church businesses.

Simple Technology 

We dream a lot – A LOT about what can be done to make church technology simple.   So many volunteers and non-professionals are tasked with handling church technology.  Many are around for only a short time.  So we’re full of new ideas, dreams, and visions about how not to make solutions so complicated that these people can’t easily walk into and use the technology.  We’re all about providing everything you need and nothing that you don’t.     


We’re a family-owned company, and in that environment, we must treat all employees as family.  Work can’t be 24/7.  There’s time for rest.  There’s time for fun.  And there’s plenty of time to foster an internal environment of teamwork and open discussion.  Those are foundational principles we strive to get right to be best positioned to branch out and serve the church through great partnerships and solutions. 

Spiritual Health

We function best when we and our teammates are in the right relationship with our Savior.  We strive to operate in a faith-filled environment.   We pray.  We give thanks.  We trust.  When God’s children are spiritually healthy, walking in His ways, His kingdom expands.


Our history goes way back… actually to the beginning.
MediaShout was the pioneer of church presentation software in 2000.

The legacy of former MediaShout CEO and Owner, Eric Eitel

No story about MediaShout is complete without knowing Eric Eitel. As a man with a vision to “cover the Earth with the gospel,” Eric’s legacy lives on and flows through everything MediaShout continues to do to serve the global Church.

An Introduction to MediaShout

MediaShout’s roots go back to the 1990s. While working for Josh McDowell and Acquire The Fire, the company’s four founders saw the need for a tool that would help run live worship presentations. The technology was changing and the ability to incorporate media into worship was becoming easier, while churches and other ministries were looking to move away from hymnals and overhead transparencies.

Rather than buy an existing program from the entertainment industry, they decided to write their own worship software, which came to market in March of 2000. The concept was so new, the term Church Presentation Software hadn’t even been coined; these four literally invented the category.

Nearly 25 years later and with more than 80,000 churches served, the dreams of those early pioneers in church technology solutions live on.

Our vision is clearer and our mission is more defined than ever:

Spread the Simple Gospel, Through Simple Technology.

Read More

An article by MediaShout Director of Church Technology Consultation – Ben Wagner

At MediaShout, the worship software and church technology solutions we suggest will help get you the tools, resources, and recommendations you need to make or keep your digital presence engaging while keeping it simple.

Your church technology does not have to be complicated for it to be impactful. We hear this sentence over and over again as we speak with hundreds of churches each week…

“I had no idea I could do it this easily. With our other processes, we had so many bells and whistles we never used and would never use. This is so much more in line with what my church needs…”

As we enter into a new era of evangelism, church services, worship gatherings, and live streams, we’ve become even more focused on how to impact ministries across the world no matter their size.

MediaShout would love tocome alongside you in the processes YOU use and would like to implement to “spread the simple gospel through simple technology.”


My journey & the influence of Eric Eitel – 

In the summer of 2018, two weeks after graduating high school, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee with dreams as big as the sky and with as much overconfidence as an 18-year-old is warranted.

I could go through half a dozen reasons why I felt drawn to Nashville but it would be a shame not to mention one of the biggest as being a man named Eric Eitel.

Eric had been the CEO of MediaShout for about 10 years or so at the time of my arrival in Nashville and was a close family friend. His family now owns MediaShout. 

Like so many others, he deeply impacted my life with generosity and kindness. He had a deep passion for seeing the Gospel spread to the furthest corners of the Earth.

He would often point to a painting in his office that had the Sherwin Williams logo on it while saying, “Cover the Earth, that’s what we’re doing here… That’s the goal.”

Eric passed away at the end of 2022, but the spirit of generosity, wisdom, and belief that Christ would get full glory in every church, every event, and every presentation lives on with each of us.

I believe that the spirit God gave Eric to see the Earth covered and saturated with His Word is more alive than ever.


What makes MediaShout different? – 

In a recent conversation I had with Brian Lee, the VP of Sales and Customer Success at BoxCast and a long-time partner with MediaShout, he asked me a simple question they have also been answering for themselves:

“What makes us different?”

There are many church technology solutions on the market. Some offer church management solutions. Others like BoxCast, offer live streaming services, and others, like MediaShout, offer presentation solutions.

To me, the beautiful thing about the Kingdom of Heaven is that it operates on a different type of economy and a different growth model…

I say it like this, “God can use our competitors however He wishes, as long as His will is being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Some solutions claim to be “easy” but we have heard that comes at the cost of needed features. Others are incredibly technical and involve high-end “pro” level bells and whistles.

What I believe is that MediaShout Church Technology Solutions is the perfect resource for churches, ministries, and organizations that are looking for excellence and simplicity.

Our tools are robust, our feature set is wide, and yet we hear time and time again phrases like:

“I didn’t know it could be this simple.”

“I thought it would take more time to do this.”

A common phrase that we fully believe in is that our solutions are so simple you don’t have to be a pro to use them.

At its forefront, MediaShout is about solutions and partnership with the church, not just solutions. 

As a family-owned company, we take the time necessary to understand your specific situational needs before recommending a solution.

Onboarding, training, and more—whether that is on a video call, phone call, email, or live chat— are at our disposal. We want to get you everything you need and nothing that you don’t.

We are real people who love interacting with, praying for, and serving the churches we talk to as if they were our own and as if we were working unto Christ Himself as scripture mandates.

Ready to simplify your technology? – 

The software and the features that I get into below are almost secondary in comparison to the actual heartbeat of the organization and the group behind it.

However, there are a few key features I would like to mention. These are just some of the biggest assets and benefits of using MediaShout:

  • Simple to build and church-specific slideshow design/presentation tools (say goodbye to PowerPoint, Keynote, and beyond).
  • Three Configurable Displays: Control Screen, Congregation Screen, and Confidence/Live Stream Send. 
  • Sermon Builder – a simple outline tool that can help you build presentations from scratch quicker than you’ve ever built them from scratch before.
  • CCLI/SongSelect access – Download and report copyrighted songs within a matter of seconds without leaving MediaShout. That means thousands of worship songs without manually typing them in.
  • Integrated and Unlimited Media – Shift Worship Media gave us access to their database of backgrounds, videos, media, and more. Just like CCLI, you can find exactly what you need without having to go to the internet or elsewhere to find, download, or copy and paste it. It’s all built simply into the program itself.
  • Campus-wide access to the program and its presentations, including when you work from home.
  • 70 Public and Copyrighted Bibles campus-wide – One purchase of our software covers all of the Bible usage through the computers running MediaShout on your campus.


There are a TON of other amazing features and MediaShout has more on the way.

Learn more about MediaShout products


Our team is made up of an experienced group of people with a heart for ministry
and serving churches with the mission of spreading the simple gospel through simple technology.

General Manager

Managing any company well requires a lot of spreadsheets, graphs, planning, and constant evaluation of performance indicators. Beyond my textbook duties, I love to serve my team so they can be at their best. I strive to create a healthy culture that is fertile soil for spiritual and professional growth. My joy comes from watching them succeed at serving our customers, glorifying God, and fulfilling our mission.

Director of Operations & Customer Service

Being on the front lines, I talk to countless people on the phone every day. It is amazing to hear about all of the different ways MediaShout is being used to build God’s Kingdom! It’s extremely fulfilling to end each week knowing that I helped make a difference for so many people, churches, and communities.

Director of Church Tech Consulting

I love the opportunity to give honor and encouragement to the media pastors, team members, and volunteers that may otherwise go unnoticed. It is an absolute joy to partner with all the wonderful and dedicated people that put in the time and energy to establish an amazing church atmosphere for God to move in.

Director of Product Development
Fulfillment Manager
Senior Customer Service Technician

I love that we have a team that cares about the Church and each other and is passionate about serving our customers the best that we can.

Customer Service Technician

Speaking to several churches a day in a support roll, I see the wide variety of ways MediaShout is being used. As a church volunteer I see the impression left by a professional presentation on regular church members, but also on those first-time visitors. It gives me pleasure to know I may have had a small part in creating an atmosphere our attendees are anxious to come back to over and over again.

Customer Service Technician

As a retired member United State Air Force I find great joy and satisfaction in being able to take some of those learned skills and translate them to helping users of MediaShout software to overcome hurdles in presenting the Lord’s message of eternal life to their congregations in the most effective way possible. Favorite verse: Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed