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Devotional/Podcast Submission

MediaShout Devotional + Podcast Submission Details

Thank you for taking interest in contributing to our Monthly MediaShout Devotionals.  Your contribution could reach thousands of churches, volunteers, and staff members all over the world.  If your devotional is chosen for publishing, you will be paid for your submission.  Our devotionals serve to encourage, challenge, and “spur one another on” (Hebrews 10:24-25).  Below is a template for your writing.  Please adhere to these guidelines.  If you have any questions whatsoever, please let us know.  Thank you for serving the MediaShout community in such a unique way.  God bless! 



Devotional Title: 


Main Scripture that the devotional centers around (many Scriptures can be added into the body, but we need the central Scripture here.  Please also add the Bible translation that you use on any Scriptures added)


Body (600-900 Words Max.)


The topic of the devotional needs to be geared somewhat toward the “tech” media team.  To better understand many of our customers, here are some examples we hear from time to time.  When considering the main topic to write about, you are not limited to any of the following, but it is simply some ideas to help bring our customers “to life” for you and what they experience:

  •  The tech team in some churches can be “lone rangers”, a volunteer tech team of one doing it all.
  • Small/medium-sized churches
  • Pastor or leaders don’t always see the vision of the tech team or vice versa.  (Conflict)
  • Communication issues between volunteers/pastors
  • “Our computer went down on Sunday and we couldn’t have church” – (Losing focus of the reason for the gathering of believers)
  • “We’ll never be a big church” or “We’ll never have a big tech team” (Comparing)
  • Worn out, burned out volunteer/pastor/worship leader
  • The tech team is many times the “thankless”
  • Writing about and providing encouragement to the tech team/volunteer/pastor
  • Writing about and providing a challenge to the tech team/volunteer/pastor
  • Personal stories are always a great way to connect with the reader!


Call To Action (Final thought, prayer, reflection question, task, etc.)+(CTA does not count towards the 600-900 Words Max of the body):


Author image (The most professional image of yourself that you have.  Attach to email directly, not inside devotional)


(Please add the following items to the bottom of your devotional)


Author Title

2 or 3 sentences about the author

(Please send the address where to send the compensation for writing the devotional if it is accepted.  This will obviously not be published.)


Final thoughts:

  •  By submitting your writing, you agree that MediaShout reserves the right to edit your devotional for grammar and spelling.
  • By submitting your writing, you agree that your devotional could also be published as a blog and podcast on our website and/or in print form. 
  • If you are able to use any of these “keywords” naturally in the devotional for blog purposes, even better, but it is not a “must”:  “MediaShout” – “church presentation software” – “worship software

For ideas from past Contributions: 

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