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MediaShout 7 Bibles

MediaShout 7 Bibles

Here are the bibles that are included with MediaShout 7:

MediaShout 7 comes loaded with only 5 Versions of the Bible. To access the other 65 Versions, please follow these steps:

First, please double check to verify that you are on AT LEAST 7.1.7 (or newer).

Within MediaShout 7, go to Settings Library

On this Tab, you’ll see the option to Download the Bibles. Click the Download Button. This will begin the process of downloading and installing your Bibles (this may take some time, depending on your connection).

Once that is done, you can click the Insert Bible button to see the Versions of the Bible that you have access to.

If you have a preferred translation that is not included in MediaShout and would like for us to consider it, please email the translation name, copyright date, and publisher name HERE.

If you have any trouble with this, please email

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