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Recent articles from the MediaShout blog:

Matt Redman’s The Heart of Worship

Have you ever been through a period where you felt that the Lord was distant and far away? Perhaps you became filled with apathetic or lukewarm feelings, not knowing how to overcome them. That’s not uncommon among individuals, but here’s a story of an entire church...

Tools of the Trade – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (June 2021)

June 2021 Tools of the Trade   by Lynne Modranski   Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled...

Stream Your Ministry with BoxCast (2021)

MediaShout teamed up with BoxCast, a live video streaming solution geared specifically for churches back in 2017. Since then streaming services from  the church has become radically important.  Boxcast gives you and your ministry’s live services that much-needed...

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