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Recent articles from the MediaShout blog:
3 Quick Ways to Improve Your Live Stream Church Services

3 Quick Ways to Improve Your Live Stream Church Services

As followers of Jesus Christ, no one involved with a church live streaming production wants to output low quality video  on a weekly basis. It happens, though, because a few key streaming fundamentals can sometimes be overlooked. So, you may be asking: What are some...

Music To God’s Ears – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (March 2021)

Music To God’s Ears – MediaShout Monthly Devotional (March 2021)

March 2021 Music To God's Ears   by David Wagner Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical,...

Planning for Flexibility in Your Worship Gatherings

Planning for Flexibility in Your Worship Gatherings

Planning is a major part of any worship pastor, lead pastor, or tech director’s job. There are many tasks to complete, people to communicate with, and moments to orchestrate. Nevertheless, sometimes things change last minute, or the pieces don't come together until...