10 Worship Songs About Grace (2024) | Hymns of Grace | Christian Songs About Grace
Grace might be the New Testament’s central idea. The fact that God pours blessing out on an undeserving humanity makes the cross the most shocking and beautiful expression of love imaginable. Many people believe that grace is a project where one is expected to earn...
Top 3 Church Slideshow Mistakes To Avoid (2024)
There are 3 church slideshow mistakes you HAVE to avoid in 2024 and beyond. Some of these recommendations are basic tips whereas others will help permanently prevent freezing and crashing issues from ever taking place. You won’t want to miss these 3 Church Slideshow...
11 Things To Remember When Planning Your Easter Services
Easter Sunday is coming up, are you ready? There’s a lot to do in the weeks leading up to Easter. Here are 11 things that we think might help you as you build your services in your church presentation software. 1) Make It Special and Keep It Focused on...