There are 3 church slideshow mistakes you HAVE to avoid in 2024 and beyond. Some of these recommendations are basic tips whereas others will help permanently prevent freezing and crashing issues from ever taking place. You won’t want to miss these 3 Church Slideshow...
Easter Sunday is coming up, are you ready? There’s a lot to do in the weeks leading up to Easter. Here are 11 things that we think might help you as you build your services in your church presentation software. 1) Make It Special and Keep It Focused on...
One of the most beautiful things that the Lord has ever done, or ever chooses to do is to place us on this earth with the ability to create, shape, and cultivate the world around us. You can see just how amazing our God is at creating when you’re driving through...
Whether you are the media minister, technical director, or church volunteer, there is so much you can do with your church presentation software to bring a touch of creativity to your worship services. Church presentation software allows you to choose Bible verses from...
Finding the Best Church Presentation Software Have you ever searched for ProPresenter contact information? Do you know where to look to call EasyWorship? Have you ever compared MediaShout, Propresenter, and EasyWorship? It can be difficult to get in touch with...
Multiscreen presentations can offer a lot of flexibility to your church service. If you’re unfamiliar with the idea of multiscreen presentations, it’s simply showing different media on more than one screen. This could mean having multiple screens that your...