4 Sermons On Worship Just Waiting to Be Preached
If you ask various Christians to define “worship,” you’re going to get a lot of different responses. Some might talk about the Old Testament model of temple sacrifice, and others might talk about singing songs in church. The truth is that we use the term “worship” to...
Top 10 Tips For Worship Background Slides | Tips For Worship Slides
Whether you are the media minister, technical director, or church volunteer, there is so much you can do with your church presentation software to bring a touch of creativity to your worship services. Church presentation software allows you to choose Bible verses from...
11 Best Praise and Worship Songs for 2020 | MediaShout
2020 was one for the books in many ways. There were many unexpected shifts and changes that came with 2020, and we all have been impacted in some way. Although last year brought many challenges, it also afforded us new ways to worship and connect as the body of...