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Recent articles from the MediaShout blog:
7 Amazing Bible Scriptures On Peace

7 Amazing Bible Scriptures On Peace

The world we live in is filled with conflict, stress, and chaos. We see people who are filled with stress and worry to provide for themselves, to make things happen for their families, to progress in their careers. Inherently, these aren’t bad things to strive for,...

Church Worship Software and Bibles They Include

Church Worship Software and Bibles They Include

There is an overwhelming number of products to choose from when it comes to church presentation software these days!  Back in 1999, church services had one choice: PowerPoint.  Then, on March 8, 2000, if you were looking for better software for your church, your world...

What Is The Best Worship Presentation Software?

What Is The Best Worship Presentation Software?

A question we've heard many church and lay leaders ask is, "How can we use today's technology to better facilitate our Sunday services?" Or, "What can we do with media to enhance a sermon or help attendees engage in worship?" Engagement in the modern church, while...