Powering Church Announcements Thru Church Presentation Software
We’ve all seen it. The service was great, and it’s almost time to go. Folks are starting to think about picking up their kids from children’s ministry, getting home to let the dog out, and making decisions about where they and their small group may eat for lunch....
5 Ways to Help Your Pastor With Their Presentations in 2021
Most pastors wear many different hats at their church, no matter what their title may be. Some are not only the pastor but are also the janitor, greeter, and van driver. Sometimes it is hard for us as congregants to know how to best help our pastor, especially when it...
10 Facts About Streaming Through Worship Software (2021)
Guest Post by Brett Bzdafka, BoxCast Hi, I’m Brett. Since 2013 I’ve been helping churches all over the world expand the outreach of their ministries through live video streaming. I’m not sure of the exact number of conversations that I’ve had with pastors about...