In this light-hearted video interview, Mediashout’s President and Owner, Eric Eitel, talks with the founder of BrickHouse Entertainment, Scott Brickle (portrayed in the movie “I Can Only Imagine.”) Scott currently manages MercyMe, Phil Wickham, Micah Tyler, and...
Are you a worship leader, tech director, or media team member looking for new worship songs for 2021? Are you hoping to find the next Chris Tomlin or the next “Awesome God?” With all the new worship music coming out it may feel overwhelming when trying to find new...
Good Friday commemorates a pivotal moment in history: Christ died and hadn’t risen yet. The wages of sin was on display in Christ’s sacrifice, and the gift of God was still waiting to be revealed in his victory. As your church revisits that sorrowful time on Good...
We are living in an unprecedented time. A time none of us predicted or expected. Everything we know about gathering as a congregation has shifted to some degree due to this “Covid-19” pandemic. A lot of things feel up in the air and it can be very discouraging at...
Most church worship teams are made up of people with different skill levels. While it’s important to allow opportunities for everyone to use their gifts, worships teams can feel hampered by musicians who don’t understand basic theory or how to play in an ensemble. For...
July 2021 I Can Do This by Arun Perera “And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that...
In today’s constantly developing modern world nothing stands still. Some things that were trending only a few years ago are now obsolete (ie Blockbuster, Palm Pilots, paper maps, telephone landlines, VCR’s, public payphones, long-distance phone charges, CD’s, fax...
One could argue that the sheer number of churches still using PowerPoint is a sign of its usefulness as worship software. And while it’s definitely a tool that can get the job done in most churches, one needs to ask: is it the best tool? Church presentations have...
Your church might still be using PowerPoint for services. While PowerPoint has some limitations when used for church, that doesn’t mean that your church presentations can’t look professional. We’ve compiled 10 tips to make your PowerPoint presentations pop—and help...
A VBS Summer To Remember VBS can be a fun, exciting, and legendary time. However, it can also be quite a challenge. Fortunately, if you’re feeling frustrated, worried, or scared about VBS, we can help ease some of that tension and get you started in the right...