Flight, in general, has always fascinated me. I remember being around 3 years old, and my father bringing home a good-sized hobbyist helicopter that he would fly around in our backyard in our small Indiana town. I would sit in amazement. In elementary school,...
Obviously, when dealing with presentation design, not every church has a designer on staff. This can leave the pastor, tech volunteers, or worship team guessing when it comes to making good design decisions inside of your worship presentation software. There’s good...
Whether you’re a worship leader looking for some inspiration, a Bible study leader doing some research, or a pastor working on a sermon series on worship, we’ve got you covered! Here are 21 praise and worship scriptures to help you wrap your mind around how the Bible...
You don’t want to miss this interview filled with new ideas for working with your pastor, your team, and your entire creative ministry. Aaron West, at MediaShout, has an insightful conversation with Jenna Grace May and David May on worship leadership. For years, Jenna...
CHURCH PRODUCTION CHECKLIST For pastors, worship leaders, and tech directors, there’s a lot to do before Sunday morning arrives. Sometimes it’s easy to let things slip through the cracks or just simply overlook a task on the church production schedule. Here at...
By JR Horn, Church Coach at Team Expansion One of the questions we hear frequently here at Team Expansion from church leaders looking for coaching goes something like, “Hey, umm, I’m looking for a bit of advice. I’m trying to get my church family to...
Brentwood Baptist Church, an 8-campus congregation in the greater Nashville community, has experienced significant growth since it began in 1969. Every campus shares a common mission and vision while contextualizing ministries to the area in which it’s located. Adam...
It’s not a secret that we often judge a book by its cover. Though such an approach can’t be called the right one, it remains an inalienable part of human nature. Whether you’re working on the aesthetics of the church or creating your slides in your church...
Have you ever been through a period where you felt that the Lord was distant and far away? Perhaps you became filled with apathetic or lukewarm feelings, not knowing how to overcome them. That’s not uncommon among individuals, but here’s a story of an entire church...
June 2021 Tools of the Trade by Lynne Modranski Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled...