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P, Q, & R

Page Name

The Page Name is the name of the Page found below each Cue Thumbnail in the Cue Area of the Script. The name of the Page is automatically created for Lyrics and Bibles. New Pages added will use a default page number as the name. All Page Names can be edited by double-clicking on the text and typing the new text as desired. See Cue Area for more information.

Page Transition

In the Transition Plug-In, you can edit the transition that a Page does when it appears. You can also adjust the duration (for non-Cut transitions) of how long it takes to appear (transitions are cross, meaning as Pages change, the previous Page will leave using the same transition as the new Page coming in). You can then apply the transition to the selected Page or press the three dots to the right of Apply to apply it to all Pages in Cue or even all Pages in Script. See Object Transition for more information. Note: If the Page Transition is set to something besides Cut, then all Objects with no Step set (or Step set to 0) will follow the Page Transition and ignore the Object Transition.


Selecting an object or text in the Edit Area and clicking the Edit Menu in the Ribbon will allow you to Paste that selected element. You can also access this via the right-click context menu in many cases. Once pasted, you can then paste it again in another page, cue, or even within the current page until you copy or cut another object. See Cut and Copy for more information.

Presenter View

The Presenter View is an optional view of the Control Screen where you replace the Edit Area in the middle with a Thumbnail or List view of your entire script for easy playback. The Presenter View will also remove editing capabilities, making it a great mode for new volunteers to get used to playing the program without needing access to all the editing tools (this is similar to Volunteer Mode in previous versions of MediaShout). You can toggle the view by going to the View Menu in the Ribbon and changing the Mode. See Edit View for more information.


Presets can be found in the Edit Ribbon after selecting an object in the Edit Area. The Preset dropdown will let you save a Preset or apply an existing Preset to your selection. Presets can save specific information about the selected object including formatting and FX. You can choose exactly what gets saved to the Preset before saving it. Also, Presets are specific to the Object type (i.e. Text Box Presets will only appear when a Text Box is selected). Presets are a great way to create saved formatting functions so you don’t have to manually apply formatting to various objects again and again.

Previous Step

In the bottom right of the Control Screen, you will see buttons for Play and Stop All as well as Quick Cues. The arrows next to Stop All correspond with Next Step and Previous Step. Using the Previous Step button is like F7 or holding SHIFT and pressing Spacebar to go backward in your presentation including multiple steps within a Page if you have them. See Next Step and Steps for more information.


The Print function can be found in the File Menu in the top of the Main Ribbon. Opening the Print dialog window will give you options for Printer, what to print, paper size, orientation, layout (i.e. 1 per page or 12 per page), what elements to show, whether the background is printed, and whether or not it is printed in color or black and white.

Quick Cues

In the bottom right of the Control Screen, you will see buttons for Play and Stop All as well as Quick Cues. The Quick Cues are designed to be easy-to-fire images (like a church logo) for those moments when you don’t have anything to display on the screen but would like to. In previous versions of MediaShout, these have also been known as Panic Buttons or Panic Cues. See Change Image and Upload Image for more information.

Random Box

In the Transition Plug-In on the right side, the Random Box is one of the Transitions available for both Objects and Pages. The Random Box will randomly change pixels (of various sizes) to make the Object or Page appear over the selected duration time. See Transitions Plug-In and Duration for more information.


The Redo function works in conjunction with the Undo function and can be found to the left of the File Menu above the Main Ribbon. It can also be found in the Edit Menu. The Redo function essentially undoes an Undo function (i.e. when using the Undo function and you want to reapply the last thing you used Undo on, you can click Redo to reset it). Redo will not be available until there is an Undo function that has occurred. See Undo for more information.


In the Insert Bible Window is a toggle at the top for Reference. This toggle will add the Reference information to your Bible Cue when inserted into the Script. Unlike the Lyric Cue, the Reference text is only inserted if this Toggle is selected.

Remote Assistance

In the Help Menu above the Main Ribbon is the Remote Assistance function. This is an online tool used with our Customer Support team to provide remote assistance to the user. Visiting the webpage without directions from a Customer Support Team member will not result in anything. However, if directed by a Customer Support Team member to visit this site for advance assistance, this is one way to reach that page.

Remote Control

In the Settings Menu above the Main Ribbon, you will find the Remote Control settings at the bottom of this window. This tool is designed for USB remotes to interact with MediaShout 7. Unlike previous versions of MediaShout, you no longer need to turn on or off a Remote Control mode. Simply plug in your USB remote receiver into your computer. It is important to note the USB port you use. Then click Add New Controller. Press a button on the remote and then MediaShout will immediately recognize the device plugged into that port as a Remote for MediaShout. Your remote’s forward and back should correspond with F9 and F7 automatically. If you unplug your receiver from the computer, simply plug it back in prior to opening MediaShout 7 so that MediaShout will recognize your remote. Note: Remotes that have the ability to custom configure keystrokes should set their remote to arrow right and arrow left for the best results.

Resize (Changing Resolution)

In the Settings Window found at the top of the Main Ribbon, you will see a Video Output section. The Changing Resolution radio button is where you choose what to do when adjusting resolutions from one format to another. When you change resolutions in the script, Resize (which is the default) will attempt at adjust the X Value and Y Value as well as the Height and Width as a percentage relative to the new resolution, attempting to keep all objects confined to their same relative size and location compared to other objects on the screen. See Changing Resolution and Scale (Changing Resolution) for more information.


When selecting an Object in the Edit Area, you will find Rotate in the right-click context menu for the selected object. Rotate will allow you to apply a predefined angle (0, 90, 180, 270) quickly to an object. See Angle for more information.